Sunday, January 10, 2010

DIY Placenta Encapsulation

How to Dehydrate and Encapsulate a Placenta

Things you will need:

  • Tongs
  • A spray bottle
  • A veggie steaming basket
  • cutting board
  • knife (needs to be sharp)
  • a bucket (an ice cream bucket works well)
  • gloves (make sure no one has a latex allergy, I used gloves for handling food)
  • wash rags
  • soap
  • garbage bags
  • capsules
  • foil or parchment paper
  • something to grind the placenta
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 piece of ginger (about an inch)
  • 1 hot pepper
  • A dehydrator is handy but if you don't have one put the slices of placenta on a foil covered baking sheet in the oven on the lowest possible setting.
  • Make sure all of your equipment is sanitized, this can easily be done using a water/bleach solution. To sanitize your equipment, wash in hot soapy water, then rinse thoroughly in warm clean water, then submerge in a sink with water that has a capful or two of bleach added to it for 30secs. Also fill your spray bottle with clean water and add half a capful of bleach and use to spray down and santize any surfaces where the placenta may touch or has already touched.

Once you have done all that, it is time to start.

Fetal Side

1. Take the placenta and put it in a bucket and rinse it off. You want to remove as much excess blood as you can and remove all blood clots. You can put them down the sink, it will be sanitized after you are done.

2. Cut off the umbilical cord and the amniotic sac. Do this on your cutting board. Throw out the amniotic sac, but save the cord as a keepsake (you will see what i mean)

3. Use a pot that the mother has (or you can get your own, up to you) and put some water in the bottom and the steaming basket in. You are going to steam it the same way you would some vegetables. With the placenta in the pot, put in half a lemon(sliced), your piece of ginger (sliced), and the pepper. It will be steamed for 15 minutes on each side. Watch it closely so that it doesn't boil over, I put the lid on the pot and simmered the water on very low setting, it is a bit messy when it boils over, trust me.

Steamed Placenta (smells like ground beef)

4. Once it is steamed, toss the lemon, ginger and pepper. Take the placenta out and put it on the cutting board (that you have washed sinced cutting off the cord) and slice into 1/8 inch thick slices. Try and slice it has thinnly as possible so it dehydrate faster.

5.a) For the dehydrator, cover with your parchment paper and put your slices on. Do the same if using the oven, just cover a baking sheet with foil and put on the lowest setting. It can take a long time, so check it at 5 hours, then every hour or so after ward.

Ready for dehydration process

b)Take the umbilical cord and if it is long enough find the center, double it up and twist it together. Then place on sheet or tray and shape it like a heart. Of course if it isn't long enough, just make a single heart. (this the keepsake)

Dehydrated and ready to be ground up. See the heart keepsake

6. Once dehydrated, take out and grind it with your blender, coffee grinder or by hand with a Mortar and Pestle (that will take a long time, but some people prefer it) until it looks like coffee grinds. Then encasulate it by hand or with a machine. I did it by hand and it didn't take very long. You will get about 60-150 capsules(caps size '00')

7. Put your filled capsules in a ziploc or jar, then pop in the freezer. The mother can take it immediately as long as she has no fever, or sign of illness. The properties of the placenta can make an infection go deeper. She can take 2 capsules 3x a day, or just as she feels is needed.

**Please note, this is informational only, consume your placenta at your own risk.

Much love,


ps. Send me any questions you need answered, i loved doing this for my friend. I will post information soon on the benefits of Placental consumption.

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